Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (First Cold Pressed)

  • Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (First Cold Pressed)
  • Code: Health-Food-0005
  • Availability: In Stock
  • S$ 29.80
  • S$ 28.31

Organic Extra Virgin Coconut oil (500ml)

The Fat that is not FAT at all. The healthiest Oil on earth. Make the Right Choice to strengthen your immune system!

Cold pressed and naturally processed from freshly harvested organic mature coconuts under strict hygienic conditions set by internationally accepted food safety and quality control standards (ISO 22000 and ISO 9000).

Being cold pressed, the oil has such a light, delicate flavour and aroma that you can take it directly by the spoonful. No chemicals and preservatives added, so you are guaranteed of a pure unadulterated organic extra virgin coconut oil.

Extensive research proved that not all saturated fats are harmful. Coconut oil is made up of beneficial medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that are easily digested and converted into energy.

It improves –

  • Blood Cholesterol profile
  • Promotes heart
  • Artery health.

The small molecular size of MCFAs facilitates its penetration into the cell membrane without the need for a carrier protein. Upon entry into the body cells, MCFAs are digested instantly and the fat-soluble nutrients can be absorbed rapidly. There’s no need to worry as the oil would not end up in your belly!

Regular consumption of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is able to boost metabolism, speeding up fat burning, which is good news for those who want to shed of the extra pounds. It also contributes to boosting immunity and for better nutrient absorption. MCFAs have powerful antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties which are able to relieve infections associated with bacteria, fungus and viruses.

Organic extra virgin coconut oil Note:

The oil contains natural antioxidant properties of Vitamin E, fatty acids and enzymes. It is rich in medium chain fatty acids which are naturally found in mother’s milk


Scientific trials revealed amazing health benefits

A randomized controlled trial involving 24 healthy overweight men with body mass indexes between 25 and 31 kg/m2 who consumed diets rich in medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) and long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) for 28 days showed that those whose diet are rich in MCFAs had a greater loss in upper body adipose tissue compared to those who take LCFAs, due to increased energy expenditure and fat burning associated with MCFAs intake1.

Research have proven that monoglycerides found in coconut oil, namely, monocaprin and monolaurin are most active against helicobacter pylori bacteria after 10 min incubation time at room temperature, suggesting that these fatty acids may affect and disrupt the lipid coated membrane of viruses and plasma membrane of bacteria, which would eventually kill them2.

Lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid at concentration of 25 μg/mL showed profound anti-Candida activity when tested3.

Comparison between commercial virgin coconut oil in Malaysian and Indonesian markets revealed that the virgin coconut oil evaluated have higher antioxidant activity denoted by their total phenolic content compared to refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) coconut oil4.

Virgin coconut oil with its high polyphenol content was capable in supporting normal cholesterol level and other blood lipid profiles, which included the increase in HDL cholesterol level5.


Multiple Benefits of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Health & Medicinal Use

  • Who should take Extra Virgin Coconut Oil?
  •  Those who are / have:
  •  Overweight, diabetic
  • High blood cholesterol, heart conditions
  • Dry skin, wrinkles, eczema
  • Constipation
  • Arthritis
  • Kidney or liver infections
  • High blood glucose level
  • Bacterial, viral and fungal (including yeast) infections
  • Digestive disorder
  • Stress
  • Diarrhea


  •  Suitable for various types of cooking and frying.
  •  Use as a substitute for butter or margarine in baking.


  •  Use as a hair conditioner.



  •  Use as a moisturizer or make-up remover.
  •  Relieves skin conditions caused by insect bites, sunburn,  allergy reaction of drugs or bruises.


Directions For Use


Recommended Dosage

Infant ( 0-12 months)

  • 1/2 teaspoon daily.
  • Can be added into infant formula milk.

Children aged 1 - 12 years

  • 1- 2 tablespoons daily; after meal


  • 2 - 3 tablespoons daily; after meal


For External Use

Apply topically on skin for smooth and vibrant looking skin, for skin eczema and psoriasis. To condition hair, massage oil onto the scalp for 20 minutes and then rinse off. It can also be used as massage oil.


The 21st Century Health Challenge

Previously, many have shunned away from coconut oil, believing it to be an artery-clogging saturated fat. This misconception capitalised on people’s fear on how bad saturated fats are. Many, even some health professionals, assume that all saturated fats are harmful to the body. Because of this, coconut oil was replaced with hydrogenated vegetable oils made from soy, corn, sunflower and canola which are perceived as heart-friendly fats.

Unfortunately, as researches continue, scientists finally found out that people who consume partially hydrogenated oil (trans-fat) made of vegetable oils had developed high cholesterol level, and are at greater risk of heart attack than those who did not consume trans-fat. Due to the overwhelming evidence that linked trans-fat consumption to heart disease risk, coconut oil has now received a resurgence of interest in the recent years.


FAQ about Extra Virgin Coconut Oil:

Aren't all saturated fats bad for us?

For many years, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil was perceived to be a saturated fat that is high in cholesterol which increases the risk of heart diseases. However, intensive researches have proven that NOT all saturated fats are harmful. Unlike long chain fatty acids such as those found in animal saturated fat, the medium chain fatty acid in Extra Virgin Coconut Oil raises metabolism, boosts immune system and is easily digested. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is cold-pressed, unrefined, unbleached and non-deodorized, thus packed with natural antioxidants, and containing antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, whilst retaining its delightful flavour and aroma.

Is Extra Virgin Coconut Oil suitable for infants, children and pregnant women?

People of all ages can consume Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, including infants, children, pregnant women and lactating mothers. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil contains 48% Lauric Acid, naturally found in breast milk, that boosts the immune system against various infections and diseases.

Will heating up Extra Virgin Coconut Oil turn it into trans fat?

It is perfectly safe to heat Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for cooking because the fatty acids in the oil are heat-resistant and will not be altered into harmful trans fat. Consumption of hydrogenated oil, such as margarine, has been linked to diabetes, coronary disease and obesity as it is produced through a carcinogenic hydrogenation process.

Does Extra Virgin Coconut Oil cause irritations to the skin?

No. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is used in many aromatherapy and skincare products because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.

Can I still take Extra Virgin Coconut Oil if I am consuming other types of oil such as flax seed oil, evening primrose oil or olive oil?

Yes, different oils provide different healing properties to our body. Two to 3 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil daily provides sufficient amount of lauric acid to boost the immune system. In addition, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil helps in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K). It also facilitates the absorption of other minerals (Ca, Mg, Fe) into the body.

Is Extra Virgin Coconut Oil fattening?

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil can aid weight loss by increasing the body's metabolism rate and helping it to burn more calories. 7.

Why is Extra Virgin Coconut Oil regarded as a natural ntibiotic?

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is a natural antibiotic as it contains abundant lauric acid, which is a natural germ fighter that strengthens the body's immune system and resists harmful viruses and microorganisms.

How does consuming Extra Virgin Coconut Oil prevent calcium-deficiency?

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil promotes better absorption of essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Consumers are less likely to suffer from tooth decay and osteoporosis.

Is Extra Virgin Coconut Oil considered a hypoallergenic food?

Consumers who do not consume milk due to lactose intolerance will benefit from the inclusion of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil in their diet as it can protect the intestines and prevent allergic reactions.

Can a diabetic person consume Extra Virgin Coconut Oil?

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is probably the only oil a diabetic person should consume because it controls blood sugar, stabilizes blood glucose levels and improves the secretion of insulin.




1.    St-Onge, M-P., Ross, R., Parsons, W.D. and Jones, P.J.H. 2003. Medium-chain triglycerides increase energy expenditure and decrease adiposity in overweight men. Obesity Research 11: 395-402.

2.    Bergsson, G., Steingrímsson, O. and Thormar, H. 2002. Bactericidal effects of fatty acids and monoglycerides on Helicobacter pylori. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 20: 258-262.

3.    Huang, C.B., Alimova, Y., Myers, T.M. and Ebersole, J.L. 2011. Short- and medium-chain fatty acidsexhibit antimicrobial activity for oral microorganisms. Archives of Oral Biology 56: 650-654.

4.    Marina, A.M., Che Man, Y.B., Nazimah, S.A.H. and Amin, I. 2009. Chemical properties of virgin coconut oil. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society 86: 301-307.

5.    Nevin, K.G. and Rajamohan, T. 2004. Beneficial effects of virgin coconut oil on lipid parameters and in vitro LDL oxidation. Clinical Biochemistry 37: 830-835


Disclaimer: The contents on this page are not to be substituted for medical advice or diagnosis. The information presented here is purely for educational purpose. This is not a prescription for self-diagnosis or self-medication. Consult your own physician regarding the application of any opinions and recommendations with respect to your symptoms or med